Alternative Healthcare Ministry serving the Greater Chattanooga Area
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Pay it Forward, Pay What You Can.
This prevents your financial situation from being a barrier to to you getting the help that you need, and a barrier to me in doing what I love to do!
"Pay It Forward" donations for services allows for you to donate what you can (a little or a lot), thereby granting scholarships to those who may not be able to pay much at all. It is through our mission and our sincere wishes that your life be filled and surrounded with environments and people who can lend the ease, grace, and comfort it takes to move through our most challenging, and even rewarding times.
Our latest charitable project is "Appalachian SoulFire Hurricane Helene Relief" project. This project helps save personal property and help rebuild homes lost for the families, individuals, and small businesses in the area. Our Founder and Senior Minister, Rev. Dr. Harrell has pledged to donate 50% of her paycheck to our Hurricane Helene Relief Fund.
SoulFire Ministries was inspired recently by the transition of Rev. Dr. Harrell's father and brother in 2023. "Losing a brother at age 12 brought death to my doorstep early. The recent passing of my oldest brother and father this past year has been difficult, but as a shaman, doctor, interfaith minister, visionary, and teacher, I have processed a tremendous amount of childhood trauma as well as death in many forms - including my two brother, my father, many others, and even MY SELF. It is just time to move forward with helping others get through the hardships of life with soulfire." said Rev. Elizabeth.
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